
Once you try this recipe for smoked chicken thighs, you can never cook a chicken in another way. Ingredients and...

I love to barbecue, or should I say I love it when my husband barbecues, but right now with moving...

Ever since my lunch out at Open Sesame in Long Beach I have become addicted to chicken shawarma. This dish is...

I am so excited to report that my husband, dog and I will be moving in a month! I can't...

As much as I love cooking, I can't stand doing dishes. So I love making meals that don't require three...

Egg & Bacon Breakfast Salad. This is a wrap up recipe to the two tip posts I did last week...

Today for lunch I'm keeping things super simple. Since we opted out of having a Superbowl party this year we...

Today I'm keeping things simple with a chicken salad. I had some leftover shredded chicken from when I made the...

Although most broths and stocks sold in the stores are Low in Carbs they tend to have hidden added ingredients...
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